
Check all the news and current affairs of Casado Martínez. Find out about all the works and installations carried out.

Eficiencia Energética - Casado Martínez

Energy efficiency

Assemblies for Energy Efficiency Zaragoza City Council.

Casado Martínez supplies electrical panels for Energy Efficiency to install in schools and pavilions of the Zaragoza City Council.


Date: 05/31/2021

Mare Nostrum 5

Casado Martínez carried out the assembly and assembly of Okken switchboards for Schneider Electric

Data of the work:

  • 17,854 Kg of Copper for Busbars.
  • All entrances and exits through Canalis.
  • 5 Transformer Inputs 6,400 A.
  • 4 General Bar Couplings of 6,400 A.

Date: 05/28/2021

Montaje y ensamblado en obra de C.G.B.T para Super Ordenador MareNostrum de Barcelona
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